GO AWAY-go...go away...conversations I've had with myself,have more meaning then anything you say,you've had a problem with me,since day one,but I'm still here,where are you...just to see you for a second,enough to make my stomach turn,too bad wishes don't come true,cause he'd be dead,along with you...with you....you have to be the center of attention/at all times spot light right on you/it makes me sick to see you get away with/all the things you fuckin' do...go,a-,way,bitch...poor little victim(x4)...poor,little victim.....................................go away(x4) 2000
DON'T LEAVE-wake up,rise up,be a man,think for yourself/live life for you,no compromise,be who you are/never doubt,never speak,crush the feelings, depression regress/live life,for her,show the love,die in her arms....be with me,for all eternity,I want you to feel the same,want you to be with me-please don't leave-ME(x4)...in your,arms I,feel the love,I've never felt/before I,had you,suicide,rules my life/now you,have my,heart bady and mind/feel love,for only you,and it's about time... don't leave me here(x4)alone 1999
BY A THREAD-by a thread,that's how you stand,so watch your mouth and watch you back,by a thread,that's where you are that's where you'll stay,I promise you...maybe you think this is someone else talkin' but let me tell you I DON'T BULLSHIT,if I say I'm gonna crack your skull,I'm just waitin' for the, RIGHT TIME,and if I say I'm gonna string you up with your white laces,I WILL,seems you got on my bad side,and it's not a HEALTH PLACE TO BE...maybe I'll just set around for a few years and let it all build,let you think it's over it's cool and hates all subsided,but you'll get older and cocky and you'll talk your shit...and that's the second,I'll be waitin' for-then you're mine....to show you how much I hate,how I can't stand who you are,you like to clame something you're not,you like to touch something that's mine,you've signed your will with your ignorance,and now you must pay,but not with cash...only pain,and your disfigurement,but that will barely suffice,but killings still illegal,so it will have to do,for now....by a thread...by a thread...you'll hang by a thread(x3)...soon to be cut,you'll fall,you'll offer no resistance,it's not that you don't want to it's that you can't,you'll fall,that's all you can do,there is no hope for someone as pitiful as you,you change from day to day,whatever's diffrent at the time,one day anarchist,the next a racist,you can't just make up,your motherfuckin' mind....a thread 2000
MINDLESS-who's up to the task of making up your mind,shut off your Mtv,cut out the corperate line,just another video in heavy rotation,shoved down the throat of every high scholl in the nation...I don't know/how you could be so naive/and I don't know/why you can't just make up your own mind...AND STOP...Mtv from making all your choices,stop the radio from telling you what to buy,stop the corperations from bending you over,stop them from raping you from behind,time to make up your own mind,and make a choice,stop following the leader and get outta line,all the videos and hit singles they play,are destined to be in the cut out bin someday...there's only one reason,only one fucking reason,for all these one hit wonders they play,and that's your mindless ass,useing all that they tell ya,buying all the things that they sell ya,twisting and distorting your ability to think,making you brain dead misguided and week...over and over and pounded into the ground,the same fucking band the same fucking song and a fucking VJ telling you how cool it is... 2000
SPACE-i know,yes i know...i know what's wrong with the world today,it's that you have life still coursing through your veins,i know what you think, somethings owed to you,well nothing is promised except that-I HATE YOU...no grasp on reality,just a lie on your lips,it's always the same like a broken record,i can't even fathom being such a waste,just a worthless fuck,takin' up space...I shouldn't even waste my time,on contemplating,how much I hate you...but I really can't help it cause you're always there,a chip on your sholder and bullshit in the air...maybe one day the cryin' will stop....but that's just wishful thinkin',too set in your ways,just a stupid little fuck,with stupid little dreams,a complete....waste of space.....I can't get over all the things you say,seems your ignorance gets worse everyday,it's the governments fault they're tying to keep me down man,if I could get a break it would be diffrent,well I'm here to tell you,it'll never be diffrent...to quick to past blame,seems it's never your fault,but the way I see it,it's just your fault,and it's just too bad...too fuckin' bad dick 2000