see the big picture/no body cares/see life's unfair/and there's nothin' you can do/just peddle your shit/somewhere else/I got no time/And even if I did I still wouldn't...I'm desensitized and so are you/you act horrified cause that's what you think you should do/But I see right through it/so full of shit/with your "wing tips"and "sweater vests"/I'm not fuckin' impressed...the plight of the world is such a bitch/you cry and you wine but nothin' ever gets done/I think it's time for your mouth to stop/how about some actions to back up your words...(EMOtional)so fuckin' emotional/you'll cry a river but it's never to deep to drown/modern day hippies/lets save the dirt/so full of compassion/or is that shit/I'm sick of these rich kids and thier "morals"/they're so transparent and full of deceit/tellin' me about the world they see through their rich eyes/they'll never understand/to hide their guilt they'll cry about the world/but their tears don't change a thing/you sing off key and piss off me you're just too deep for words...you're just too deep for words(x3)....no one care's(x4)...you're too "emo"for your own good...and too "emo for your own health... 2002
LIFE OF AN ADDICT-once again straight to the point,a worthless fuck another rolled joint,smoke and smoke your life away,see me hit your knees and pray,I'm sick of dealing with,all the shit everyday,worthless people fuckin' up their lives more and more-can't seem to see the logic,don't really want to understand,if you need drugs,you're not much of a man,got to numb yourself,nothing but a coward,you can't deal with the shit life throws at you...you can't deal,with the shit,life throws,at you...take it down from the shelf/put the gun to your temple/think about all the things that might have been/all the things you could have done/all the places you could have seen/but oh no you had to be a worthless addict/had to turn your life to the wrong/now think of the place you're going/it's called a burial plot...pull the trigger....ending the life of an addict...addict 2000
BENT DICK BILLY-I pledge allegiance to a flag...moral-less democracy...where how much money one makes...equals the respect at hand...how could this be...is it the way it was intended...to be such a wretch of a man...with a whore on bent knees/commander in chief,leading this nation,into soap opera's,making me sick,with tales of cigars,and semen stained dresses,only psychos would keep/chirldren starving,countless homeless...while money spills from their pockets...just couldn't live on minimum wage...your job entitles you to more...politicians so uncaring...do as they see fit...lower taxes more money for schools...promises fall by the way/say what you'll do,sucker us in,we elect as you dick gets hard,a not so little interns mouth starts to water,she sucks you off,way to lead a country/you've got my vote on this...you're nothin' but an asshole...a figurehead to a country...you need only the gift of speach...real decisions made by others...yours is just to have a voice...you get paid smile and wave...oh your lifes so hard........youre life,is just soooo....HARD(!!!).... running with the press,vacations everyother day,while the country slowly shits it's self out,the higher up in the office you go,the more retards you find,and can you see the state of things to come,and who will run,and does it even really matter,it's sure just to be a waste of my time 1999
WHITE LIES-the color of your eyes,the color of your skin,doesn't fuckin' matter, it's what you hold with-in...racist pieces of shit need to learn that...they need to learn that...what color you are,doesn't hold a value,doesn't make you less of a person,doesn't make you more of a MAN(!!!)...holding your race above all, preaching ignorance/intolerance,running in a "klan",hillbilly where's your "hood",neo-skin heads,what will you do...when we get sick of hearing your pittiful views,see your out numberd 20 ta 2,and the "klan"worshipping a white Jesus,turning the good book of lies words around again...tell me this redneck cross burner,how can your Jesus be white,just take a look at the part of the world he's from,and hey little skin heads with your iron crosses and swastikas,following the teachings of hitler,how about following him now...he's fuckin' dead....white lies(x2),so sick of all your white lies... 2000
ONE CONSTANT-constant disappointment and a constant annoyance,dead end job and a lack of money,don't laugh it's not funny,weight of the world is crushin' me,it's got me down,a constant kick in the head,sometimes i think i'd be better off dead....one constant,one sure thing,it's sure to ruin everything,you can't have hopes,your not allowed to have dreams,one constant one sure thing,life will fuck it all up,because it's all it's good for...days go by and it seems it's goin' your way,then you realize it's your time to pay,you take a slip and cut your self real bad because...life's a disappointment,it's just an annoyance,it will never go your way,can't roll with the punches when you're already knocked out,why try when there's nothing you can do,one constant...life sucks...the only thing for sure is...life sucks 2000